Thursday, March 16, 2006

Teen Depression: Is There A Hopeful Outlook? - By Sandy Baker

Teen depression strikes one in five children. This is a very frightening number. Depression is anything but a good thing. It happens to anyone, in any lifestyle, in any income range. Most of the time, it will not be noticed until it becomes a large problem. This should be the most sobering of all news about this epidemic. Yet, one thing that is hopeful about teen depression is that more and more individuals are learning about it and in this area of health, knowledge is power.

Tips To Noticing Depression In Teens

Teens are typically quite unpredictable, but when it comes to their health parents as well as friends should keep an eye out for these things and other things that you will find at

* Sudden changes in their mood, appetite or weight can be indications of depression. While these things can also be something that is attributed to just being an adolescent, when it is coupled with other conditions, it should be taken note of.

* A loss of interest in doing the things that they used to love to do can be depression. Now, this is not necessarily something from their childhood, but something within the past few months.

Perhaps they enjoyed horseback riding and just stopped doing it within the last months.

* Traumatic situations can cause teen depression to come on fast. For example, divorce or separation of their parents, death, economic changes, or even just friendship and significant other changes. Often, teens blame themselves for these conditions.

* A lack of emotion is a sign that something is definitely wrong. If they do not seem happy any more, for any reason, there may or may not be something bothering them. Depression doesn’t have to be brought on by something, it can just be there.

* Pulling away from family, friends and from school is something many teens with depression find themselves doing. They just withdraw into their own world. This is not normal teen behavior but a serious condition.

One thing that must be said about teen depression is that this is a serious, life threatening condition and one in which help should be sought for as soon as possible. There are many tragic stories of young teens harming themselves because they are suffering from depression and no one took notice.

Finally, on the good note, those teens that do get treatment for the depression that they are experiencing can actually recover quickly and completely from it and get back into doing the things they love to do. Talk to your doctor if you feel that you have been in any of these conditions or you know someone that is. They can determine what is happening and get life back on track for you.

Learn more about teen depression and depression in general at Get help now or help a friend in need.

Sandy Baker is a well respected writer and recommends visiting a good teen depression site, to learn more about this, as this is a major issue affecting most teens.

Article Source:

The Suicide/Antidepressant Link in Adults - By Jeannine Virtue

The FDA has acknowledged the link between antidepressants and the increased risk of suicide in children, adolescents and adults are also at risk for suicidal thoughts and actions while taking SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) antidepressants.

In 2004 the FDA acknowledged the suicide/antidepressant link with children and now requires "Black Box" labeling to alert parents of the harm that can befall their child while taking antidepressants. That warning has now spread to all age groups. The FDA has now issued a Public Health Advisory (PHA) calling for an update to health care providers and patients about the recent scientific research and publications that there is an increased risk of suicidal thought and behaviors in adults taking antidepressant medication.

The FDA, using a similar approach that was used in the evaluation of the risks of increased suicidal thoughts and behaviors in their pediatric studies, requested that manufacturers of antidepressants drugs provide doctors with information from their drug trials.

In accordance with the 2nd FDA warning the Public Health Advisory advises patients and health care providers be aware of the following:

_ Close observation of adults may be especially important when antidepressant medications are started for the first time or when doses for the specific drugs prescribed have been changed.

_ Adults being treated with antidepressant medicines, particularly those being treated for depression, should be watched closely for worsening of depression and for increased suicidal thinking or behavior.

_ Adults whose symptoms worsen while being treated with antidepressants, including an increase in suicidal thinking or behavior, should be evaluated by their health care professional.

The above recommendations are also consistent with the existing warnings that are in the approved labeling, or package insert, for antidepressant medications.

Antidepressants have their place but it is our belief that other options should be exercised before resorting to the potentially dangerous drugs. There are many options in between the wide gap between doing nothing and taking antidepressant medication. In dealing with depression, diet and exercise changes are highly beneficial. Herbal and homeopathic remedies can also offer valuable help in the battle against depression.

Jeannine Virtue is a freelance writer who focuses on health related issues. For information about effective and natural treatments for Attention Deficit Disorder and Depression in adults and children, visit the Attention Deficit Disorder Help Center at

Article Source:

Addiction And Depression - By Sober Mom

Depression and addictions sometimes seem married to each other to different degrees. In seeking help for addictions we often find that there are many other underlying issues that are simmering just below the surface and are initially covered by substance abuse. Many addicts spend a great deal of time wondering what came first. Were we addicts because we couldn't handle our feelings, our sadness and our mind numbing depression or did the years of substance abuse weaken the ability to cope with life on life's terms?

12 step programs, if worked properly, give us the tools to drop the baggage, come to terms with who we are and eventually become comfortable in our skins and ultimately realize that feelings, good or bad are a way of life. If I'm having a bad day my sponsor will effortlessly remind me that 'this too shall pass'. But likewise when I'm having a good day she quickly reiterates 'this too shall pass'.

In any case it's a reminder that there is hope after mental struggles, we will always come through to the other side a little stronger, a little wiser and with a little more hope the next time around that we are not prisoned in a life of unhappiness.

But what if the depression is too much? What if your quality of life is directly affected by your lack of motivation, enjoyment and verve for life? Depression is a real, clinical condition that many people in the world suffer from. We also live in times that recognizes this condition without condemnation.

Keep in mind that we're addicts and that we naturally want a pill or an immediate solution to our problems. Don't look to anti-depressants as a quick fix for a small problem. Life is full of ups and downs and we didn't get sober to not partake in life.

On the other hand, If depression is not a small problem for you don't feel as though you have to 'buck up and tough it out'. Living life also means having a quality experience. It's important that you talk to doctors, research your options fully and monitor your progress.

The good news for us and for millions of people is that we have options today. When life seems to be too much we have support, fellowship, doctors, families and a surplus of information to aid in our mental recovery. The even better news is that we don't have to drink or use over it - ever again.

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