Sunday, April 23, 2006

Men, Women and Depression: Uniting Mind and Body in Our Healthcare Sytem - By Charles Donovan

Men and depression, women and depression, it doesn't matter. Depression crosses all genders, ethnic groups and economic classes. The Centers for Disease Control studied the importance of integrating the mind with the body in our healthcare system. It is a fabulous study. I want to share the key points as they affect every family, family member or loved one.

The separation of mental and physical health that exists in our health care and public health systems belies the fact that both exist within individuals in an exquisitely integrated fashion. This April issue of Preventing Chronic Disease explores that integration. Preventing Chronic Diseases is published by the government's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC).

The definition of health provided by the constitution of World Health Organization is unambiguous in this regard: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (1). If we are to achieve this goal of complete well-being, we will have to bridge the chasms within our health care and public health systems.

"The Carter Center has undertaken these same strategies to address barriers to care among people with mental illness, many of whom have a chronic mental illness. An article on The Carter Center Mental Health Program (8) describes an impressive set of activities focused on reducing stigma and achieving parity in insurance coverage for mental illness. We would do well to form close collaborations with partners like The Carter Center and to join forces in developing policies and communication strategies that benefit both the mental and physical health of populations. We can claim success when the mental and physical components of our health care and public health systems are as integrated as they are in the people we serve."

I concur 100% with this terrific article. After suffering from depression for 20 years and trying countless treatments, including ECT, it was vagus nerve stimulation that completely changed my life. Vagus nerve stimulation changed my life from one of utter despair to genuine happiness and joy. I am so grateful for this remarkable medical breakthrough. My body got better; lost 35 pounds, chronic pain diminished, cholesterol returned to normal and I have taken responsibility for my health-emotional and physical.

If you are suffering from chronic depression, you should discuss this new therapy with your doctor. Vagus nerve stimulation was just FDA approved, so the medical community is also learning about this treatment option.

Vagus nerve stimulation will be presented at the American Psychiatric Association's Annual Meeting in late May. The book I wrote Out of the Black Hole: The Patient's Guide to Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Depression will be exhibited at this meeting, which is the largest gathering of psychiatrists in the world.

If you want to learn more about vagus nerve stimulation for depression, I would encourage you to visit web site. It could change your life or the life of a loved one.

Charles Donovan was a patient in the FDA investigational trial of vagus nerve stimulation as a treatment for chronic or recurrent treatment-resistant depression. He was implanted with the vagus nerve stimulator in April of 2001. He chronicles his journey from the grips of depression thanks to vagus nerve stimulation therapy in his book:

Out of the Black Hole: The Patient's Guide to Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Depression

(A Picture of this book with a link to it is listed on the right)

His all inclusive book prepares depression sufferers to make an informed decision about this ninety-minute out-patient procedure. It is a "must read" before you discuss this treatment with your psychiatrist. A prescription for the procedure is required from an M.D. and it is covered by most insurance plans.

He is the founder of the Web Site and Bulletin.

Article Source: