Friday, October 21, 2005

Suicide warning signs in teens and adults

Here are proven suicide warning signs to look for in a suicidal person. Knowing them may help prevent a tragedy.

Suicide is a devastating thing. Unfortunately, it is a real problem, especially among teens. Every year 30,000 people commit suicide. It is the second leading cause death among college students. It is the third leading cause of death among people ages 15 to 24 years old. And the suicide rate among children ages 10 to 14 has doubled in the last 10 years.

Here are proven signs to look for in a suicidal person. Knowing them may help prevent a tragedy.

-changes in behavior or mood


-unusual anger

-total apathy

-inappropriate behaviors

-change in eating and/or sleeping habit

-any illness without cause

-fatigue, loss of energy

-unusual changes in social habits

-loss of interest in life, activities and simple pleasures

-unusual amount and depth of sadness, crying, depression

-talk of death, preoccupation with death

-talk of suicide

-giving away personal possessions

-start of using or increased use of alcohol, and/or drugs

If you suspect someone is contemplating suicide, don't be afraid to ask them. You won't put the thought into their head. Chances are, if you suspect they might be thinking of it, they HAVE thought about it or they are thinking about it already. Talking about it, may make them realize the seriousness of it, the reality. Also, TELL SOMEONE IMMEDIATELY!! Don't keep it to yourself. You may help save a life. Also never leave the patient alone.

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