Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Don't Under Estimate Depression - by Sandy Baker

Depression is something that is often found in the people that you love the most and never thought could be dealing with. It is something that can rip at the very seams of individuals. It is not just a phase. It is not just something that will go away. It is life and death and dealing with all that has to go with it.

Many people face terrible crisis in their lives and deal with it. Others can not deal so well with even the simplest of things. What happens to many people in either of these cases is that they can fall under a depression. As a loved one looking on, it is important that you recognize the possible signs and do something about it. Waiting too long could be risking their lives.

In most cases, depression can be recognized by a series of symptoms such as:

* Mood swings that are not characteristic.
* Anger that is unfounded. Being overly angry about something that seems simple.
* Frustration throughout even the simplest of tasks.
* Feelings of being worthless, unworthy and unloved are also signs.

But, the hardest part is realizing that these things may be there yet may be hidden. In many cases, those suffering from depression will talk and tell you what is happening. But, it may not seem like what they are telling you is the full story. Instead, they may say that they are overwhelmed, tired and just too busy to deal with things. In fact, they are in serious trouble and don't know how to tell anyone they need help.

Recognizing depression is something that anyone that loves someone should be looking out for. Helping them is what your job and responsibility is. Don't underestimate depression. Get the help that they need before it is too late.

About the Author

Sandy Baker is a well respected writer and recommends visiting bipolar disorder, so you can empower yourself and be of postive support to those suffering from depression.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the site.

Anonymous said...

Was curious as to what degree you held or what courses of study you pursued (that were not internet based) that enables you to give recommendations on such a serious illness. It almost appears as if you are seeking a weakness to label the individual with because while depression should never be under estimated it should also not be crutch for those "having a bad day." The ability to LEARN to deal with crisis instead of medicating seems a much more valuable lesson.

Anna A. said...

This is in response to the 'anonymous' person who posted a comment to this blog in regards to an article I posted by Sandy Baker.

I must admit, I am a bit confused as to who you were directing your comment to, the author of the article (Sandy Baker) or myself, the owner of this blog.

I personally, do not hold any type of degree regarding depression. I have a website on depression that goes along with this blog. I have NEVER claimed to be an authority on this terrible illness. In fact, the only reason I started the website and blog on Depression was because I had several family members and good friends who had gone through depression and some that even tried to take their lives. I wanted to create awareness and also educate people on this serious illness. I think for the most part, I have accomplished what I set out to do because I receive many emails and comments from my readers and website visitors thanking me for the information. I also have a few Doctors who have written me telling me how helpful my website and blog are and that they even posted a link to them on their site.

So I'm sorry if I may have upset you by the articles I post. I try to post helpful articles on various ways to deal with this illness. So far you are the only one who has complained of my content. Again, I'm sorry, but I'm only trying to help educate people who suffer from depression and for their loved ones so they can be educated as well and not feel so helpless.

In regards to your last comment regarding 'LEARNING to deal with crisis instead of medication seems a much more valuable lesson,' I agree that learning, or educating youself on how to deal with things is a great idea, I also realize through my research that sometimes medication can be helpful, although I feel it would only be a temporary solution to this problem. Only a doctor can say for sure what type of treatment is best for the patient, whether it be medication or cognitive therapy (talk therapy). In any case, I'll leave that up to the professionals.

Anna A.