Saturday, September 30, 2006
Depression And The Sensitive At Heart - By Friedrich Asen
There are beautiful people out there, sensitive and tender at heart. One thing they often have in common: they suffer from low self esteem, depression and the like. Many times they work in the social field, but they may come from any occupation. Often they feel not to fit into society at all. Whatever they try, they cannot find a suiting place.
On the other hand, there are the powerful manipulators out there, often unscrupulous and insensitive. Exploiting mother earth and their fellow men, they blossom. They have found a way to fight depression. They act, control, manipulate and accumulate power. I am sure they are depressed too, but they have found a way to suppress it. A life of manipulation, based on power and might, lacks one of the most important ingredients of life, wich is love. Where love is lacking, there is senselessness. And where there is senselessness, there is depression.
There are people pointing out how wrong the Bible is today, because it proclaims 'the meek shall inherit the world'. "Can you think of a dumber line?", they ask. The only people inheriting the world are the super rich and the ones with big armies and nukes. Nothing meek about that. They say that it has always been the men with the iron fist who lead. From the beginning of time till the end. If your meek, you'll merely end up being the man behind the man.
I don't agree with this statement at all. It is based on a total misunderstanding of the word meek, as it was used by Jesus and so many other powerful personalities. It confuses meek with weak. That's a major blunder. This is not only the fallacy of the powerful (and the ones controlled by them), but of the sensitive and tender hearted as well, who desire a different world of love and respect. They feel threatened by the manipuators and exploiters. They fall into depression and anxiety. They often fall into the trap of becoming passive victims. "The world could be so beautiful", they sigh, "if there weren't this greedy bad people, who seem to never get enough."
I shall proclaim a different concept here: Meekness is absolute power. It is much more powerful than anything else.
Let's first deal with the wrong concept of meekness to weed it out. To be meek in the wrong sense will certainly lead to depression and frustration. It is accompanied by an overwhelming feeling of impotence and powerlessness. Meek persons of this kind always feel dependent on the whim and arbitrariness of the persons in charge.
The most sensitive and intelligent people fall into this trap. They feel that they could never become as cruel, unscrupulous and stone hearted as the oviously successful people. The Darwinian theory of evolution brainwashes you: "If you want to survive, you have to be the fittest. The rest is doomed to drown. Fittest means to be hard, harsh, cruel, calculating and strong."
I have been taught like this in my childhood. My conclusion was that I will probably never become powerful, as I could not even stand an ant to be killed. There is no fitter person, not only to survive, but to live, than the meek one. Indeed the meek shall inherit the world, but this sort of meekness is totally different. It will rid you of depression. It will provide a new outlook to your life. It will give you a sense of power and control. It will guarantee you total independence.
Actually misunderstood meekness and the display of superior manipulative power are of the same kind. They look different from the surface only. Both are a guaranteed source of depression and frustration. Both are based on a lack of internal independence and strength. While the strong guy is actively fighting for recognition and acceptance, mainly from himself, the week ones have abandoned their claim for respect.
But, their weekness is often much closer to real power than the external display of control of the seemingly powerful. The later are often totally weak inside, driven only by their greed for recognition, for which they are eager to transgress all laws of life. The soft and tender person naturally has a lot of respect for these unbreakable laws. When they are carefully guided to discover their inner invulnerability, they will immediately start to blossom. When they are taught to completely step out of the stupid game of artificial competition by accepting the real identity of eternal bliss and knowledge, they will in any way be superior to even the most powerful manipulators. Life itself will be at their disposal, offering them any kind of opulence, strength and independence. External strenght will be reduced to a mere shadow of the power of pure conscious essence.
Those powerful persons, whose power is built upon arrogance and manipulation, will find it almost impossible to abandon their pathological addiction to material superiority.
Therefore rejoice, you, who are sensitive and tender at heart. Come out from depression and anxiety. Reclaim your heritage of power. The only reason, why a false display of artificial power can keep the whole world mesmerized is that more kind and sensitive persons will have to come forward to display the irresistible power of love, kindness and concern for the needs of others. The famous British mathematician, philosopher and author Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) has said the following: "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts." These doubts can be overcome with the right guidance and education. Reality never supports power based on arrogance, cynicism and and unscrupulousness. It may be tolerated for some time, but very soon it is the cause of it's own destruction.
On the other hand reality always supports love, freedom, sensivity, compassion, meekness and respect. These qualities are the characteristics of original life. If you cooperate with lifes inherent nature, who will blossom forever. Get out of the habit of complaining, wailing and accusing. Get out of frustration and anxiety. You may be much closer to your power than you think.
Copyright © 2006 by Friedrich Asen. All rights reserved.
About the Author: For more information on the different types and symptoms of depression and on depression treatment, including natural remedies and powerful alternative healing methods, go to
Friday, September 29, 2006
Amazing Effects of Evolution on Depression - Gabriel J. Adams
What kind of effects have evolution had on depression? Edward Hagen of Humbolt University provides one answer. He believes that being depressed is a good way to get people around you to do more for you. He says that the more depressed you act, the more people around you will pick up your slack. In evolutionary terms a person is not easily replaced, so help will be given to that person to make them happy again, so as not to upset the herd. The reason for these actions is that picking up someone else’s slack is quite a bit easier than replacing the person all together. Hagen also makes comments on the topic of suicide, because depression can often lead to suicide. How can suicide led to sympathy for a person, because they will already be dead, and it does not help them at all. However, the threat of suicide is very helpful for a depressed person, because it is the ultimate cry for help, which is often answered by loved ones.
All of these theories are very intriguing to me, but I just can not buy into them completely. If evolution really did cause amazing effects on depression, then show me the depressed people that live longer, are more successful, or are generally better off than a person that is not depressed. The whole idea behind evolution is natural selection, which basically means that the strong survive to new generations and the weak, or less adaptive perish. The problem with evolution effecting depression is that I do not see any strength in a depressed person that would allow them to survive over a person that is not depressed. I have also seen many cases where a depressed person might be able to elicit help from others by being depressed, but it appears that over time this depression will actually cause anger in the people around them. Many cases of people lashing out in anger and killing depressed people have been documented. This fact also does not show me why a depressed person would survive better than a person that is not depressed. In actuality this shows, in my opinion, that a depressed person might have a smaller chance of survival than a person that is not depressed.
But, that is my opinion. What is yours? Do you believe that evolution has and/or had these effects on depression?
Learn more about Depression Causes and Treatment & Depression Medication
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Thursday, September 28, 2006
Kill Your Depression - Five 5 Super Effective Tips - By Rene Graeber
Being lonely is a normal part of our everyday lives. We get sad when we fail in our exams, when we're rejected by the person we love, or when someone very close to us passes away. Depression, however, could be more fatal than just plain loneliness. It could render life-long consequences that could ruin your self-esteem, health, and well-being.
Here are some superb tips to conquer the melancholy mood and get the most bliss out of your daily activities.
1) Get Enough Light and Sunshine.
Lack of exposure to sunlight is responsible for the secretion of the hormone melatonin, which could trigger a dispirited mood and a lethargic condition.
Melatonin is only produced in the dark. It lowers the body temperature and makes you feel sluggish. If you are always cooped up in your room (with the curtains closed), it would be difficult to restrain yourself from staying in bed.
This is the reason why many people are suffering from depression much more often in winter than in the other seasons. It's because the nights are longer.
If you can't afford to get some sunshine, you can always lighten up your room with brighter lights. Have lunch outside the office. Take frequent walks instead of driving your car over short distances.
2) Get Busy. Get Inspired.
You'll be more likely to overcome any feeling of depression if you are too busy to notice it. Live a life full of inspired activities.
Do the things you love. If you're a little short on cash, you could engage in simple stuffs like taking a leisurely stroll in the park, playing sports, reading books, or engaging in any activity that you have passion for and would love to pursue.
Set a goal - a meaningful purpose in life. No matter how difficult or discouraging life can be, remain firm and have an unshakable belief that you are capable of doing anything you desire. With this kind of positive attitude, you will attain a cheerful disposition to beat the blues.
3) Take a Break.
I mean it.
Listen to soothing music. Soak in a nice warm bath. Ask one of your close friends to massage you. Take a break from your stressful workload and spend the day just goofing around. In other words, have fun.
4) Eat Right and Stay Fit.
Avoid foods with lots of sugar, caffeine, or alcohol. Sugar and caffeine may give you a brief moment of energy; but they would later bring about anxiety , tension, and internal problems. Alcohol is a depressant. Many people would drink alcohol to "forget their problems." They're just aggravating their conditions in the process.
Exercising regularly is a vital depression buster because it allows your body to produce more endorphins than usual. Endorphins are sometimes called "the happy chemicals" because of their stress-reducing and happiness-inducing properties.
5) Get a Social Life.
No man is an island. Your circle of friends are there to give you moral support. Spending time and engaging in worthwhile activities with them could give you a very satisfying feeling. Nothing feels better than having group support.
Never underestimate the power of touch. Doesn't it feel so good when someone pats you on the back and gives you words of encouragement during your most challenging times? Hug or embrace someone today. You'll never know when you have saved another life.
Get intimate. Establish close ties with your family and friends. The love and care expressed by others could tremendously boost your immune system and fend off illnesses. Best of all, you'll live a more secured and happy life.
About the Author: Are you sick and tired of being "empty" inside and out? Worry no more! At you´ll find free and reliable information that gives you the straight facts and solutions to beat depression.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Panic Attacks, Depression Harm Your Mind And Body - By Dr. Joseph Mercola
A study examined the medical histories of nearly 40,000 people who were diagnosed as suffering from panic disorder.
It found that those who suffer from panic disorder are at almost double the risk for coronary heart disease, and those who suffer from depression as well are at nearly three times the risk.
Panic disorder is a syndrome characterized by repeated episodes of intense fear. These episodes are accompanied by physical symptoms, which can include chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, and abdominal distress. Roughly 2.4 million Americans experience panic attacks each year.
The way in which coronary heart disease is triggered by panic attacks is unknown. However, some stress responses to depression already have been shown to increase the risk of coronary heart disease.
Science Blog September 22, 2005
Dr. Mercola's Comment:
This should comes as nosurprise considering what a major role negative emotions play in your body's healing process. The connection betweenyour mind and yourbody is strong and well-documented by a literalmountain of scientific research; healing your mind is a crucial step in keeping your body healthy.
Unfortunately, most doctors, when faced with a patient who suffers from panic disorder or depression, will reflexively resort to prescribing potentially toxic medications as a form of treatment, even though they don't provide any meaningful benefit. This is laregely related to the incredibly effective "brain washing" influence that the drug companies have over their educational intervention.
How can Imake such a bold statement?
Easy, I was one of the brain washed doctors. I went into medical school fully believing in the power of your body to heal naturally and I came out a drug prescribing doctor. I think I must have but several thousand patients on antidepressants in the first few years of my practice alone. Seemed like every other patient was walking out the door with a script for Prozac or Wellbutrin.
But fortunately I finally woke up one day and began to understand that there were far more effective options that actually addressed the underlying cause of the disease.
One of my absolute favoritestreatments that can make all the difference to your health and help you deal with panic attacks or depression is the Emotional Freedom Technique, the energy psychology tool I use daily in my practice. It is particularly effective for panic attacks.
Another wonderful tool you can use is meditation. Some people use it to promote spiritual growth or find inner peace, while others use it as a relaxation and stress-reduction tool.
Panic and anxiety disorders can be debilitating and severely affect your ability to perform everyday tasks. They can also, in addition,put you at risk for a variety of physical health problems. Resolve your emotional stresses, and both your mind and your body will experience the benefits.
Another excellent meditation tool is the Insight CD, which Inow recommend to allto many of my patients. The Insight CD is a complete tool dedicated to helping you reduce stress, explore expanded states of consciousness, and achieve deeper levels of self-awareness.
About the Author: This article is reprinted from, the world's #1 most visited and trusted natural/alternative health website. For a limited time only, you can take the FREE "Metabolic Type Test" to help you learn the right foods for your particular body type so you can achieve optimal fitness & health. Just go to right now to take this quick test!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Depression Natural Remedy - Has been discovered!! by MARK HASTINGS
A depression natural remedy has been on the minds of millions of people for decades.
Not just from scientists and natural physicians around the world. But from people who are desperate to find a natural remedy for depression that really works so they can get on with their life and grow to become who they really want to be! There is now more hope today than ever before! A depression natural remedy has been discovered!!
Over the last 20 years people from all walks of life have been searching for a depression natural remedy with very little success. We have all been conditioned that anti-depressants will solve these un-wanted feelings of hopelessness, sadness, despair.... the anxiety and stress that comes with this terrible illness. Deep down we all know there must be a depression natural remedy out there that can help us and maybe cure these terrible feelings that can suddenly fall upon us with out any reason.
We are now seeing a huge shift in the way people are wanting to help themselves and find a natural cure for depression rather than relying on medications and some very unpleasant side effects!! Anti-depressants can work for people but for most people they don't, especially if it's a serious problem! Most individuals would rather take a depression natural remedy that works rather than struggle with the unpleasant side effects that comes with all anti-depressants!!
In the last 20 years we have seen some amazing breakthroughs in many industries. None more so than the most important - Our Health! More importantly our mental health!! A natural cure for depression has been discovered! Thousands of people around the world now have more hope and fell they can take on life with this amazing new breakthrough in depression natural remedy!!
Now we have much more hope and choice than what we did 20-30 years ago. Times have changed, scientists, doctors over the last 15 years have been searching for a combination of natural ingredients to help and prevent this debilitating illness that so many people in the world suffer from. A depression natural remedy has been discovered by a group of dedicated scientists and doctors who believe there needs to be a huge shift in the way most people see and believe this illness should be treated!
Did you know that depression effects 1 in 4 people at a serious level. A depression natural remedy was always going to be discovered, but the question was when!! Now we have a serious breakthrough in this field that the drug companys don't want people to find out about as they will lose billions of dollars!! A research company has been searching over the last 6 years and discovered 7 natural ingredience that complement each other when mixed in the perfect ratio, like know other natural product that has been used for such a serious illness.
You owe it to yourself to find out more about this amazing breakthrough in natural science!! A depression natural remedy like never seen before!
Article Source.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Overcome Divorce Depression- Avoid Downward Thinking - Chris Annable
Today, while driving to work, I listened to a radio discussion. I didn't
hear the start and don't know exactly what the subject was about. It seemed
to be centered around how top stars and sportsmen and sportswomen focussed
upon just before making a public performance. What took my interest was
the description of how each star felt incredibly nervous just before going
on stage.
Apparently, it was stated, Carly Simon used to get to feel so sick that
she couldn't go on stage. Whereas, I believe it was Bruce Springstein who
stated that unless he felt incredibly sick and nervous he knew that he
couldn't go on stage and perform at his best.
Next, a sports coach and psychologist described a condition he called
"downward thinking".
"What the heck does he mean?" I thought. Fortunately he described exactly
what he meant by the term by referring to an example of his favorite sport,
Golf. Here, he said, if a top golfer doesn't sink the ball at an easy put
it could completely wreck the most successful player's tournament.
I guess it's a little like boiling an egg for breakfast. You perhaps
prefer the yoke of your egg runny and the white firm. You like the contrast
in texture and a soft yoke will allow you dip thin slices of buttered bread
(called bread soldiers) into it. You know that it should be boiled for
4 minutes to get perfection. But, today your egg has a hard yoke and you
don't like them like that... it's a bad start to the day. And it was just
like it the day before, and the day before that. Instead of accepting that
you could boil your egg for a slightly shorter time or you could find another
strategy that helps you get it just right... you decide that you can't
boil an egg at all. In fact, you accept from that small event that you
can't cook... you are a complete and utter failure and a waste of time
in the kitchen.
Just one bad thought after a minor failure or loss of luck resulted
in a sequence of negative thoughts. If you couldn't quickly write off that
small piece of bad luck your whole day is wrecked... you are useless.
And the golfer? Beginning with the single slight failure of a little
white ball falling into a hole dug into the ground at a point on a grassy
golf course that is conveniently marked by a flag pole... it doesn't sound
life threatening when you think about it, does it? But, from this minor
failure event, the thoughts of failure can rapidly increase. And, instead
of expecting that the ball will be easily putted at the next hole, doubt
and tension builds to the point that all chances of success vanish. Very
quickly a top class player feels useless.
Every member of the discussion group agreed that they too recognized
occasions when they had been affected by similar doubts that sometimes
scared them and made them question their fitness to live.
I realized that everyone does this many times a day, normally without
recognizing it or letting the "downward thoughts" get in the way of having
a successful day.
It resembled an instant form of depression, where one bad thought leads
to another and rapidly moves on downwards to a point where you feel you
just can't go on.
No doubt you've seen it where your favorite football player, basketball
wizard, record breaking swimmer or athlete has a really bad day. How can
it be? They are brilliant... they are incredible! And yet they still have
the most awful games. You probably recall stars of the past that
suddenly disappeared from the scene... with a total loss of confidence.
There are huge numbers of ex-stars and sports personalities whose careers
have ended in utter failure, never to recover their former glory.
Of course, there are those who recover and make a magnificent comeback
after a break from the pressure to accomplish even greater levels of success.
Deep inside they know that that hard work and practice has provided all
the physical skills they need to take advantage of their talent. And, in
their minds they cope by recognizing a small failure is nothing more than
that... just a slight mishap... a minor human error.
A flash of inspired brilliance often wins the game but rarely does a
single mistake lose the fight.
So what if the last shot was a bad shot... it was nothing more than
that. The next shot will be a winner.
Somehow, after divorce you have to find inner resources that recognize
and defend against the consequences of all the bad thoughts that go through
your head... there are so many bad thoughts. It isn't easy when your ex-partner
seems to emphasize your failings. So, try to remember that the bad thoughts
rumbling around in your mind are still nothing more than "downward thoughts"
and that they can have no real consequence to your life.
You are every bit as valuable as you have ever been... and that your
family and friends still value you and want you. You haven't changed and
still have every talent that you have ever had... and you know that there
are hidden skills that you haven't realized yet.
Remember that you are you... You are quality... You wouldn't let one
bad thought, statement or action ruin the rest of your life, would you?
Why wreck your life?
Chris Annable is the author of a new book titled: Doc Ingman's
"Divorce And Separation Survival For Men", which tells of one man's remarkable
story of how he took control of his life and helped his son survive the
struggle of separation from his mother during divorce. Contact:
Article Source:
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Aging, Depression, Suicide And EQ - By Susan Dunn
There are so many myths about aging. For instance, do you think, as many do, that “all old people are alike,” and that nobody changes after about the age of 50?
Nothing could be farther from the truth. Freud’s famous statement that people couldn’t change after the age of 50 simply isn’t true. At the time he formed his theories, most people didn’t live past 50, and that of course shaped his views. He may not have seen a lot of people over 50.
In fact this limited exposure to people in older age groups continues to confound our understanding. A lot of the psychological assessments available weren’t normed on enough people over the age of 60 to make them reliable for individuals in that age group. It’s all about developmental stages and you wouldn’t expect “normal” to mean the same thing for a 75 year old as a 42 year old and more than for a 6 year old and a 12 year old.
Seniors are not alike as individuals or as a group. Surveys show that the most “contented” people are people aged 60-69, but at the same time, the highest suicide rates of any age group occur among individuals 65 and older. 81% of senior suicides are male and Anglo males are particularly vulnerable. White males over 65 have the highest suicide rate, second only to white adolescent males. Suicide rates are higher for those who are divorced or widowed, and cause is attributed first to physical ailments, and then to depression.
The percentage of seniors in the population has risen steadily from 3% in 1900, to about 12% now. It’s projected to increase to 21% in the next 30 years. Since most emotional problems are often presented first to a primary care physician, as physical problems (headache, backache), medical schools are hastening to add exposure to geriatric medicine and psychology in the training of doctors. Psychology licensing boards are also beginning to require it.
It’s important to understand that depression manifests itself in different ways. We usually think of the “lethargic” depressed person, the one who moves and thinks slowly, can’t sustain eye contact, talks negatively, is disinterested or unable to enjoy their usual pleasures, and wants to sleep all the time. But depressed people can also be agitated, angry, restless, irritable, eyes darting around, frantically trying to enjoy things (but not able to), and not able to sleep much.
In either case, women may talk about the feelings, but men tend to complain about physical ailments when they see a doctor.
It’s important to understand that depression isn’t a “normal” part of aging, and that its treatable. If you think you’re depressed, or that your loved one is, it’s good to start with a physical checkup. You should be make a list of all medications being taken, and also consider the normal routine. Many seniors, especially those who live alone, neglect nutrition and exercise.
As I say in my ebook, “EQ and Depression,” you aren’t supposed to be depressed as you age. You’re supposed to feel good. Many seniors have a high EQ, are resilient, and are experienced copers. EQ intends to increase with age, but not if you don’t work on it. Skills such as flexiblity, creativity and resilience can be learned, and it pays to start developing them in early adulthood, as they take time to learn. Barring physical problems, you can learn to manage your emotions and the thoughts that accompany, and cause, them.
We know that isolation is worse on our health than high blood pressure and obesity combined, and it not being isolated depends upon your interpersonal skills – your ability to make new friends and keep the old ones. Creativity is needed to learn to work around things that change. It tends to take longer, for instance, to learn new things as we age, but many seniors are adept at “many ways to skin a cat.” Likewise there are ways to make the short-term memory loss less bothersome. Short-term memory loss is one of the things that does come with aging, but the extensive hard-core experience of the average senior in coping with adversity gives them a vast store of tricks to pull out of the bag to help them remember.
As one of my senior coaching clients tells me, “My short-term memory’s off about 10%, but since it used to be far above-average, I’m doing fine. Now I just write things down, like I’ve seen others do for years.”
The ability to creatively meet challenges depends upon having an optimistic attitude, which also can be learned. I coach people in learned optimism and emotional intelligence competencies all the time! If you want to, and are willing to, you can learn to change self-limiting beliefs, once you realize they aren’t working for you. It depends upon correct information (like it’s not “normal” to be depressed at any age, including old age) and then becoming aware of your emotions and self-talk, and changing them.
Depression usually responds best to a regime of exercise, good nutrition including neutraceuticals, medication, and cognitive work. Coaching can help you move forward, make goals and stay accountable to them.
We also know that resilient seniors are lifelong learners. While we don’t make any more brain cells as adults, we can continue to form new connections throughout the lifespan IF we learn new things; the more radical the better. This means if you’re an engineer, take a literature course. If you’re a Spanish teacher, study some physics. If you’re a left-brained mathematician, take an EQ course and develop the other side of your brain. As someone said, “fall in love with learning and you’ll never end up with a broken heart”.
Intentionality is a high-order emotional intelligence competency. Why not intend to be one of those seniors who’s resilient and contented, who ages gracefully? Look to your wellness now, whatever age you are, and don’t leave out the EQ skills. The time to be developing them is now.
Our emotions directly effect our immune sytem, which is our health. They also effect our ability to get along with, and enjoy, others and ourselves. Men may particularly want to address the EQ issue. I know from the statistics, and from my coaching practice, that a man living alone at the age of 60 or beyond is in a vulnerable position, and while there are more men at that age than women, the smart women will be holding out for the healthy, EQ-smart men to bless with the health-promoting marital state.
Get started now. It’s never too late to learn!
About the Author: ©Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach, . Providing coaching, Internet courses and ebooks around emotional intelligence for your personal and professional success. I train and certify EQ coaches internationally. Email for info on this fast, affordable, comprehensive, no-residency program. for fr* EQ ezine
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Depression And Men - By Mandy Robinson
Depression affects men the same that it affects women. The male image is one of being strong and the rock, the glue that holds the family together, but in reality as many men suffer from depression as women do. Of course, most men hide their depression by trying to cover their feelings up. They will cover up their depression with drugs, alcohol, sex, and work. Depression shows in men not as helpless or hopeless, but as angry, frustrated, and other aggressive feelings. Men are less likely to seek treatment than women and they are less likely to admit that they have a problem. Believe me, however, that if you are feeling depressed you should not feel weird about opening up to your best friend or perhaps a family doctor.
Depression is not a secret that should be hidden away. Just as with any other feeling or state of mind, there are things you can do to remedy the situation. Depression and men are a silent battle that barely makes a rumble until the battle is over. The drugs and the smiles and the carrying on and acting hide many of the typical signs of depression from showing. Its hard to pick up on the signs of depression if you are close to the person, and its harder if they are trying to cover them up. Its not abnormal to be shocked from their actions.
Of course, you can help them seek treatment.
If you notice that a loved one is showing any of the typical depression signs like oversleeping or not sleeping, tensionstressed, or uncontrollable anger (in the case of men) you should address the topic, but letting the person know that you care about them and that you are ready to listen to them when they are ready to talk. It's important not to push the issue and just let things run their course with men. Most men are the sorts of guys that will do their own laundry, so to speak.
About the Author: For more great anxiety depression related articles and resources check out
Friday, September 22, 2006
Depression and Society - John Furnem
Many of the people we know and meet every day have experienced some kind of depression in their lives, it is not always the clinical and sever depression that we understand to be very dangerous and naturally dramatic in life events, a lot of people experience mild and sometimes passing phases of depression.
The understanding of how difficult it is to deal with depression once it hits is usually a part that is played only by those unfortunate enough to experience this mental condition, once a person realizes the effect a depression might have on a person they will immediately show great sympathy to anyone who is suffering any symptoms related to depression.
In our day and age it is very common to refer to medicine in almost any case of discomfort or disease, our society nurtures the feeling that for every physical or mental condition or disorder there is a chemical answer that sets things right, and that the materialism of human nature is once that takes care of itself. The case with depression is different, not saying that depression is not treated by medicine because it has been treated with many different kind of chemical solutions for the last few decades, but there are more ways to fight and beat depression, and many of these ways are not medicine related.
Many of the people who suffer depression in one part of their lives realize that this is a kind of condition that might return and hit them in later stages in life, this understanding makes depression patients seek answers that will have a significant effect throughout a long period of time. This is typical of people who suffered mild depression symptoms and overcame the depression with some psychological help and a lot of self work and efforts. Many want to keep living their life with a feeling that a non medical solution is available to keep depression from hitting again.
Help for depression is widely available in most of the world, the awareness to the dangers and destructive power of depression disorders have increased the efforts to help depression patients fight this condition, from traditional therapy to many new and modern approaches to physical activity and social connections, solutions that have been showing fairly good results in many cases and encourage depression patients to keep working on depression prevention instead of relaying on the easy use of chemicals.
The fact that depression can, in some mild and not clinical severe, be beaten and prevented on a regular basis using therapy and social connections, as well as physical exercise and workout routine, is very comforting for the many people who suffer mild depression around the world and that are not interested in developing any kind of dependency on chemicals and medicines for mental conditions. It is also said that the fact that depression patients are kept on a regular treatment and are aware of the reoccurring nature of depression phases is helping prevent and decrease the level of the depression frequency.
John Furnem is a dot com veteran, specializing in human resources and work psychology he has written articles and held workshops/seminars for stress relief and stress management. John writes about Depression for
Article Source:
Thursday, September 21, 2006
The Common Signs of Teen Depression - Elizabeth Radisson
Teen depression may develop in teenagers who have personal, family, and social problems. It is not true that only adults suffer from this problem. Teens can also have this intense mental and emotional problem plaguing them.
For parents and guardians, it is important that you know the tell tale signs that your teenaged child is suffering from depression. Knowing of the illness before it becomes worse is crucial, if you want to restore the emotional and mental fitness of your son or daughter.
1. Frequent crying, intense sadness, and tearfulness
Sadness can be manifested in many way other than crying and showing tears. Some teens convey sadness through the way they dress. They can also use their ability to write and compose poems and stories. Some show it through the choice of music they want to hear. Always be on the lookout for these. If your teen seems to be displaying a sense of depression through their manner, there could be a problem somewhere.
2. Hopelessness
There are instances that your teenaged son or daughter feel their life is not worth living anymore. They could be overtly pessimistic and cynical about the general things around them. They could even do it to the extent they do not care how they looked like and how people percepts them. If you think your teen is doing this, be more on the lookout. He or she may be depressed.
3. Shows less interest in their otherwise favorite activity
If you teenager suddenly drops out of their sports or club either from school or with friends, there could be something wrong. Any individual who do not want to have fun to an elevated degree could definitely be depressed.
4. Low energy
If your teenage son or daughter seems to be bored all the time, no matter how enjoyable the activity is, he or she can be depressed. Low grades and lack of motivation to succeed can also be a sign of depression.
5. Social seclusion
A previously bubbly teenage who unexpectedly wanted to be alone more often than necessary is enough reason to be alarmed. If your teenager prefers to avoid parties and gatherings with friends or families, they should be given more attention. Even more so, if the teenager does not want to talk about his feelings or what is bothering him.
6. Lowered Confidence
A person who is suffering from dwindling self-confidence is a person who feels negatively about failures. A person, on the other hand, who feels guilt and negative opinions about their own self, is certainly on the verge of depression.
7. Irritability
Being irritable is a common reaction of a depressed individual, teen or otherwise. Teens who usually take out on their angers on their family are showing the signs of depression. They can also be sarcastic, critical, or even abusive to the younger ones.
8. Poor school performance
If your teenagers tend to be absent from school, or are causing trouble while there, they definitely problematic. Depression may be taking its toll on them, which is why their schoolwork is slowly being affected. The sadder part of this is that the root cause may be misdiagnosed. Parents and teachers may not even realize they are dealing with a depressed teen.
Teen depression is real. Parents need to stay engaged with their kids, and be aware of their kids' feelings and their physical condition. Communication is the key. Depression should not settle in to a person in their tender years. When that happens, it has to be treated right away.
About the Author: Elizabeth Radisson is health editor of, where you'll find more information about depression, anxiety and related symptoms and illnesses. For more general health information, see
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Wednesday, September 20, 2006
How To Spot Potential Depression Or Bipolar Disorder - By Julie A. Fast
Is it Moodiness or a Mood Disorder?
How to Spot Potential Depression or Bipolar Disorder
Step aside, ADD and anxiety—mood disorders are fast becoming the most talked-about illness of the decade. From sitcom characters and celebrities to everyday adults and children, more and more people are being diagnosed with depression or bipolar disorder. Still, thousands of others continue to suffer, undiagnosed and untreated. How do you know whether your moodiness is a normal reaction to life or the sign of a serious medical disorder? Before you head for the Prozac—or endure another day of undiagnosed misery—get the facts on these often misunderstood illnesses.
There are two types of mood disorders: bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression) and depression (also known as unipolar depression). The symptoms of depression include a lack of interest in things that once brought pleasure, constant feelings of sadness and emptiness, and an inability to get things done. Bipolar disorder has all of the symptoms of depression as well as a mood swing called mania; people with bipolar disorder can cycle back and forth between the two states.
Scientifically defined as a “pathologically elevated mood,” mania can create feelings of euphoria, omnipotence, or hyperarousal that are caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. People with mania may experience extreme exhilaration and other seemingly “good” feelings, but the mania can also manifest as agitation, scattered thoughts, and feelings of extreme emotional discomfort.
Depression and bipolar disorder share a range of other symptoms, including psychosis (a break with reality that can be characterized by hallucinations and distorted thoughts), irritation and anger, problems with attention and concentration (often misdiagnosed as ADD), and anxiety. Unfortunately, these symptoms are often misinterpreted as signs of other illnesses or personality defects, and the real culprit—a serious mood disorder—is often misdiagnosed or brushed off. People with undiagnosed mood disorders often mistake their illness for a flaw in their character, and can spend years desperately trying to “get their acts together and lead lives like regular people” instead of seeking psychiatric evaluation for an illness.
In reality, both depression and bipolar disorder are fairly easy to diagnose—once they are considered as real possibilities. Although a proper diagnosis must be made by a trained professional, here are some clues that may help you determine if your “moodiness” is a sign of a serious illness:
Suicidal thoughts: Thoughts of suicide are common among those suffering from serious depression. Whether action-oriented (I'm going to get a gun and shoot myself; I'm going to take a bottle of pills with a bottle of wine) or more passive (I wish I were dead; Things would be better if I were gone), suicidal thoughts are always a sign that a person’s brain chemistry is not functioning properly, and that professional help is needed immediately.
Unnaturally elevated moods: Mania can be so sneaky. When a person who has been depressed suddenly feels the cloud lift, it's natural to think that the depression has ended and that the person is finally “back to normal.” But for people with bipolar disorder, this is often the first stage of an unnatural, escalating mood swing in the opposite direction. Mania often feels so good—at first—that it's hard for people to recognize it, or acknowledge it as a serious problem. Unfortunately, feelings of euphoria or agitation can continue to intensify until the person no longer makes sense. Those who eventually experience full-blown manic episodes often end up hospitalized, but countless others who suffer from milder manic episodes (known as hypomania) often go untreated, or are treated only for depression. If you or those around you notice marked shifts in your energy, agitation, or feelings of well-being especially if they affect your sleep patterns, you may suffer from bipolar disorder. A psychiatrist or properly trained physician can diagnose your symptoms to determine whether you’re just recovering from depression or experiencing the flip side of this serious illness.
Be aware, too, that antidepressants can ignite dormant mania in people. For this reason, your physician should be aware that what seems a clear case of depression may actually mask the presence of bipolar disorder.
Mood swings vs. moodiness: Some people are just moody. They often react negatively to life events, or they may frequently experience bad moods, short tempers, and irritation. While these people may not be much fun to be around, they do not necessarily have a mood disorder. However, if a person’s moodiness affects his or her ability to work, make friends, or function relatively normally in society, a diagnosis of a potential mood disorder is called for.
Mood disorders involve exaggerated, extreme, or highly disproportionate responses to life events. A moody person may be quick to anger when someone makes a derogatory comment about him or her; a person suffering from a mood disorder may react to the same situation with suicidal thoughts. Moody people can usually be reasoned with; people with mood disorders lose insight into their own situations and often can't see that they need help. For this reason, it’s important that friends and family members understand the warning signs of depression and bipolar disorder, and that they know where to turn to seek help for their loved one. Use the following questions to help you determine whether you or someone you care about may be suffering from a bipolar-disorder mood swing:
• Have you noticed a significant change in everyday sleep patterns because you are feeling low or more happy than usual?
• Do friends, family members, or others comment on your inability to enjoy life, spend within reason, get along with others, keep a job, maintain a relationship, or stay in one place?
• Do you often wonder what the point of living is, or why nothing seems good? Are these feelings ever experienced along with difficulty in concentrating or performing simple tasks?
• Have you ever suddenly felt a wonderful surge of confidence that allowed you to talk with strangers or meet anyone you wanted? Have you ever lost your normal shyness and suddenly felt beautiful and unstoppable? Have you ever made reckless sexual or financial decisions, only to wonder a few months later, Was that me? What was I thinking? Has this been accompanied with a significantly reduced need for sleep?
• Do you go through periods of extreme or unexplained irritability? Do others tell you that you are often unreasonable? Do you kick or hit things (or people) to vent your annoyance or frustration?
• Have you ever found yourself thinking (or hearing a voice inside your head telling you) such things as, You should die. You have no right to be here and you should leave. People don't like you. You're a failure and a fake. Or, I'm a genius. I'm smarter than any other person in the world. I am invincible.?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you may want to talk to a health care professional about a possible mood disorder.
Mood disorders are not personality flaws or a sign of weakness. Like diabetes, they are documented physical illnesses, and they can be effectively treated—once a correct diagnosis is made. If you or a loved one may need help, getting that diagnosis is the first step to recovering from these disorders and living a joyful, healthy, productive life.
About the Author: Julie A. Fast is America’s leading voice for people with bipolar disorder. She is the co-author of Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder: Understanding & Helping Your Partner (New Harbinger Publications, February 2004; $13.95, author of the upcoming book Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder. To learn more visit
Monday, September 18, 2006
Dealing With Sorrow – Depression Management - By Rene Graeber
While the term depression has been commonly used that people tend not to take it seriously anymore, it is a very serious condition that could impair one’s life. Depression is very difficult. It can debilitate one’s normal functions, making even the most mundane tasks such as getting up from bed or eating breakfast seemingly difficult. It is sad to think that a lot of depressed individuals are not treated because of the high costs of therapy. However, coping with depression is still possible without professional help if one knows depression management. Here are a few things that can help people deal with depression, it is important to note however, that professional therapy is still very invaluable with serious depression. These steps are just suggestions for alleviating the condition.
Staying active is one way to take one’s mind off depression. Primarily, activities help distract people from whatever it is that is causing their depression and it also helps channel unspent energies that build up when one is depressed. Keeping active also releases endorphins – natural mood boosters that somehow cheer people up.
It is also important to take a rest. Being depressed can be very exhausting, so it is essential to regain strength and energy if one is to deal with depression. Relaxation techniques can help one be more attuned to the self and be more at peace. When resting, stressors should be kept away from the bedroom so that ample rest can be obtained.
Depressed people should also express their emotions. Depression usually results from suppressed emotions. People who are grieving can be prone to depression if they keep their emotion to themselves. A lot of people avoid crying because they think it might be a sign of weakness. However, it is important to cry because it releases one’s emotions. When expressing feelings, it is important to avoid catharsis – venting up one’s anger by doing something violent like boxing, smashing things, and the like. Catharsis does not release one’s emotion, especially anger. Rather, it makes a person practice violence as an expression of emotion, and thus can be very dangerous.
Hang around with friends and loved ones. Depressed individuals need support very much. Other people can distract one from stressors. People can also remind a depressed individual that there can be more to life, and it is worth living even if it is simply because of the company of wonderful people.
Lastly, it is important to believe in oneself. A lot of people get depressed because they put themselves down. It is important to satisfy oneself and gain a sense of self-worth. It is good to do something that would make one happy. Prioritizing one’s self can help one to believe that one’s own life is important and can be enjoyed. Being kind to oneself is one of the most important steps to get away from a depressive state.
Depression management is possible and entails taking charge of one’s self. When dealing with depression however, it is important not to rush. Sadness does not disappear overnight; it takes time to get back on one’s feet. Little by little, one can get out of depression and have a normal life once more.
About the Author: Are you sick and tired of being "empty" inside and out? Worry no more! At you´ll find free and reliable information that gives you the straight facts and solutions to beat depression.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Depression - The Real Story, What Women Should Know - Arthur Buchanan
Feelings of sadness can be normal, appropriate and even necessary during life's setbacks or losses. Or you may feel blue or unhappy for short periods of time without reason or warning, which also is normal and ordinary. But if such feelings persist or impair your daily life, you may have a depressive disorder. Severity, duration and the presence of other symptoms are the factors that distinguish ordinary sadness from a depressive disorder.
Depression can happen to anyone of any age, race, class or gender. It afflicts almost 19 million Americans each year, and up to one in five American women will suffer from clinical depression at some point in her life. Women are two to three times more likely than men to suffer from depression. Many women first experience symptoms of depression during their 20s and 30s. Once you experience depression, there's a 50 percent chance that you'll be depressed again at some point in your life.
A complex combination of physiological, social, environmental, cultural, hormonal, biological and psychological factors may contribute to the reasons why women experience depression at a higher rate than men.
Depression affects both mind and body. If you are depressed, you feel a sense of helplessness, hopelessness or despair. You lose interest in your favorite activities, may experience changes in appetite, weight and sleep patterns, have difficulty concentrating and may be preoccupied with death or suicide. Research sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) suggests that depression may be a major risk factor for osteoporosis. A phase IV clinical trial is currently underway that will determine whether women with major depression lose bone mass at a faster rate than women without depression. This study will also determine if the drug alendronate (Fosamax) can maintain or increase bone mass in premenopausal women with major depression and osteoporosis. Additionally, depression often occurs in conjunction with certain chronic illnesses, like diabetes, and after a heart attack or stroke. It also can develop as a result of conditions that cause unrelieved pain. Left untreated, the depression contributes to increased complications, prolonged recovery time, and a greater chance of death.
The good news is that depression is a treatable illness; however, according to a major study published in the June 18, 2003 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), just one in five women with depression ever receive adequate treatment. Adequate treatment is defined as at least one month on adequate doses of antidepressant medication or eight sessions of therapy.
One reason that treatment for depression is inadequate is that many people do not know or are confused about where to seek mental health treatment. Another reason is that many individuals do not perceive depression as a real medical condition that should or can be treated. Also, there is still a social stigma attached to mental illnesses like depression. These perceptions are wrong. Depression is a potentially life-threatening disorder and a woman does not have to "just live with it."
Types of Depression
Depression is classified as a mood disorder. The primary types of depression are major depression and dysthymia, a chronic and low-grade form of depression. Other forms of depression include postpartum depression (PPD), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
Major depression is marked by a loss of interest in previously pleasurable activities and depressed mood that represents a change from previous behavior or mood.
Chronic, but low-grade depression, or dysthymia, is marked by low energy, a general negativity and a sense of dissatisfaction and hopelessness. A person suffering from dysthymia may experience many of the same symptoms that occur in major depression, but they are less intense and last much longer-at least two years. Sometimes, women with dysthymia also suffer from episodes of major depression, a condition known as double depression.
The "baby blues" are common feelings for many women within the first few days or weeks following pregnancy and childbirth. Emotional ups and downs during this stressful period are normal, but temporary. However, for some women, symptoms become more severe and long lasting. These symptoms are known as postpartum depression. This condition typically occurs from three days to six weeks after the baby is born, but can appear anytime within the first year. About eight to 15 percent of women report diagnosable PPD within three months of delivery. If you've had prior depressive episodes, you have a much higher risk. Postpartum depression can seriously interfere with a mother's ability to care for herself and her child. Symptoms should be reported immediately to a health care professional for further evaluation.
The syndrome of more severe depression, irritability and tension occurring seven to 10 days prior to the start of the menstrual period is known as premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) (also called late-luteal dysphoric disorder). It affects an estimated five to seven percent of women of childbearing age. Though PMDD shares many of the characteristics of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), particularly the timing of the symptoms, there are differences between the two conditions. Mood-related symptoms and not physical symptoms are key to a PMDD diagnosis and are significantly more severe. PMS symptoms may include both mood and physical symptoms. Experts say the difference between PMDD and PMS is similar to the difference between a mild tension headache and a migraine.
Also called winter depression, SAD is a form of depression that affects an estimated five million Americans. Women in their 20s, 30s and 40s seem particularly susceptible to SAD, and outnumber men three to one in clinical studies of the disorder. The key feature of SAD is your response to decreasing availability to light during the winter months. Experts believe that brain chemistry in some individuals is affected by diminished daylight, triggering depression at this time of the year. It is episodic--it comes and goes--and many people who experience SAD recover in the spring. These individuals, however, are at higher risk of becoming bipolar.
Another type of depression is bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive illness. Not nearly as prevalent as other forms of depressive disorders, bipolar disorder is characterized by intense episodes of elation and despair, with any combination of mood experiences in between, including periods of normal moods. When in the depressed cycle, an individual can have any or all of the symptoms of a depressive disorder. Symptoms during the manic cycle include a decreased need for sleep, increased talkativeness, racing thoughts, increased activity, including sexual activity, excessive spending or having a great deal of energy. Sometimes manic episodes may include extreme irritability. Women who are bipolar usually have more episodes of depression than mania.
With Much Love,
Arthur Buchanan
Out of Darkness & Into the Light
43 Oakwood Ave. Suite 1012
Huron Ohio, 44839
419-366-6284 (cell)
They are calling Arthur Buchanan's methods of recovering from mental illness REVOLUTIONARY! (MEDICAL COLLEGE OF MICHIGAN) 'Arthur Buchanan has given us a revolutionary blue print for recovery in these uncertain times, when Mental Illness at a all time high in the United States of America, yet if you follow this young mans methods, we assure you of positive results and I QUOTE 'If these methods are followed precisely, their is no way you can't see positive results with whatever illness you have' -Dr. Herbert Palos Detroit, Michigan
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Friday, September 15, 2006
Do You Meet The Criteria For Major Depression? - Mark Webb
Thousands of people suffer from depression and don’t even know it. Often their symptoms are only mild to moderate in severity over time, individuals learn to adapt to an unnecessary struggle with depression.
These symptoms most likely won’t just go away and they can only get worse. If you find yourself identifying with several of these traits then I suggest you see your physician or better yet a psychiatrist as soon as possible.
Here are the more common symptoms of depression:
• Depressed Mood
• Increased Anxiety
• Increased Irritability
• Low Energy Level
• Restlessness
• Lack of Interest in Previously Enjoyed Activities
• Sleep Disturbance
o Initial Insomnia
o Frequent awakenings
o Increased need for sleep
o Feeling tired upon awakening
• Decreased or Increased Appetite
• Feelings of Worthlessness
• Difficulty Concentrating
• Racing Thoughts
• Intrusive Thoughts
• Feelings of Hopelessness and/or Helplessness
• Active or Passive Thoughts of Hurting Yourself and/or Someone Else
• Crying Spells
• Isolation from family and friends
If you identify with these symptoms and they have existed for over a month, you need to consider this an urgent matter. Do not let pride interfere with you getting the help you need. Symptoms of depression are usually progressive in nature. If you wait too long the symptoms can be quite overwhelming. Denying yourself treatment is a form of self abuse/neglect.
The proper treatment can typically provide fast relief. It is common to see improvement in two weeks and sometimes sooner. Why would you want to keep suffering with depression when relief can be right around the corner?
Call and make yourself an appointment now. Make sure your family physician is comfortable treating your depression. If not, they can refer you to a colleague they trust that is trained to treat depression.
While you are at it, I suggest you seek out a therapist to help as well. You will want to choose a therapist who is experienced in treating depression. Ask the receptionist any qualifying questions you may have. Often the therapist will call you back if you request. This can save you time and money. Some therapists work best with children while others are more proficient with adults. A therapist who is effective in treating depression can be a huge resource. They not only can teach you skills to combat the depression, they can also teach you how to prevent a reoccurrence of symptoms. The encouragement and support they provide is worth the effort of seeking a therapist.
Mark Webb is the author of How To Be A Great Partner and founder of Partner Focused Relationships™. Sign up for Mark Webb’s “Relationship Strategies” Ezine ($100 Value). Just visit his website at or
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Thursday, September 14, 2006
Free Tips To Help Beat Depression - Steve Hill
In this article I aim to give free advice to help people who are depressed. I am sure that most of us become quite low and short of self-confidence from time to time, I know that I do, the advice I am going to write about comes from my own personal experiences. I hope it is of benefit to some of the people who read the article.
It might sound strange but one of the best forms of stress relief and ways out of depression that I find helps me, is sleep. If I have had a restless night for whatever reason, such as my dog continually barking throughout the night or one of my children keeps waking up with nightmares, I always seem
to find that I am feeling quite low and down on the next day. It is as if my brain is unable to think in a positive way and that the lack of sleep has affected some kind of chemical balance. I then start to worry about the smallest of things and about aspects of my life that may or may not happen in the future. This then affects my work and social life as I am basically feeling drained and not up for it, some would say that I am feeling quite lethargic.
This is an example of what happens to most people from time to time but has in a way taught me a lesson about how I should react when I am depressed. What I basically attempt to do is to sleep my way out of the depression. Some of my friends think that I am a bit mad but my family now understand that it is not that I am just being lazy but that I am trying to make myself feel better. I might say to my wife in the afternoon that I am going upstairs for a sleep, she of course knows me very well and will no doubt have noticed throughout the day that I am not my normal self. She then realises the reason why I am going for this short nap.
This may not of course work for everyone but when I wake back up I always feel a whole lot better and able to think more pro-actively about things.
Exercise also helps me to beat the depression. I am not exactly one for exercising but find that when I am working out at the gym for example, that this helps to to take my mind off all of the things that I am depressed about. After the work out I feel a form of rush that I have done something good. It is as if my brain and body are rewarding me for my efforts.
Lastly I also like to take my family on short weekend breaks, especially when I am feeling depressed. Just to get away from the big city where I live and to explore a new environment is always a good way for me to unwind and again helps my mind to focus on other things, such as my family and showing them a good time.
Stephen Hill helps to promote a number of websites including:
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Beating Depression By Action - By Dr. Isaac Schumann
Depression can come on us at any time of the year. Sometimes, holidays are the worst times for those that feel this down-in-the-dumps fear and worry and things just seem to happen to make us feel gloomy and sad. Note that this feeling happens to all of us at one time or another. How to recognize the feeling and know what to do about it is the purpose of this article.
No one can or should ignore this feeling. It is universal and the blues are very much ingrained in our world. Music and movies are legendary in handling this subject. If the feeling is too overwhelming, then sometimes professional help is the desired action. We will just talk here about the funk of depression, the knotted thinking that nothing is right and it will only get worse. The following things are suggested to help:
1. Laughing is the best medicine is an old adage, but so true. It is amazing how when you are depressed, just laughing about something and releasing the stress, can make you feel better. If you are having trouble finding something to laugh about, maybe you can find some people to keep close that cheer you up, that you can call when you feel bad, those who you know will let you apply the "strength in numbers" theory. Invite a few good friends over just to talk and have an appetizer and you will see how much better you feel afterwards.
2. Listening to music is another key to overcoming depression. If you can just relax and let the type of music you love drift over you and enter your senses, you will find that you calm down and feel better. Even as babies in the womb, we respond to music. Maybe you will find you want to get up and dance and there is nothing wrong with that - even without a partner! Just move to the beat and let all your stress flow out of your fingertips and toes.
3. Do some work and you will find you feel less depressed. There is something about a clean bathroom, living room, or kitchen that gives most women a sense of pride and order and joy. Men sometimes enjoy doing some of the same work and experiencing the same attitudes. The point is you just need to get out and do something that moves your body. Maybe you can shoot hoops in the driveway, ride a bicycle through the neighborhood and say "HI" to a few of your neighbors. There is something to be said for just watching a sunset and realizing how mighty the world is and how we are just one part of it. That sometimes seems to put our troubles more in perspective.
4. While we are on that thought, why not try prayer when you feel depressed? Try helping out someone less fortunate. Think of hospital patients and know that they most likely have things worse than you. Yet, you see happier children and adults in some of the worst settings in the hospital. Count your blessings. Hug someone or maybe go through some old pictures of happy times with your family.
Doing productive activities will always perk you up. Think positively about your life and the things you have been given and do not dwell on the problems. Take your dog for a walk and relish in the animal's unending enjoyment at seeing you and being with you. Sometimes simple undemanding love is all we need to overcome the blue feeling.
The last suggestion may sound unusual, but here it is. EAT ICE CREAM! Yes, just swirling that cold stuff around on your tongue and all the different flavors can make you feel good! The idea is to eat something that you totally enjoy and see how hard it is to be depressed when you have your favorite food and are enjoying it. The world just seems a little better!
Of course, all the suggestions given above may not apply to everyone. But give them a try and who knows...maybe they can help just a little. Keep this list handy and the next time you are feeling a little down, find something that triggers the best response to get you to feel happy again. Be aware that when depression creeps in, you need to take action and beat the depression back to the corner where it belongs.
We all have more important things to do in life than feel blue and depressed. Keep this thought in-mind and may your life be filled with joy.
About The Author:
Dr. Isaac Schumann brings to you a life time of experience in the mental health field
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Natural Cures For Depression - Milos Pesic
If symptoms of depression are many, so is its cure. Depression in any form affects your quality of life. Visiting a medical expert or a psychiatrist becomes the obvious choice when you experience this prolonged period of sadness. You go through some weeklong counseling sessions which no doubt cost you a fortune. And if medication is added to it, then the expenses are much more. Sometimes, medications for depression are over-prescribed. It is here that you look for more natural cures for depression.
It cannot be denied that many depression patients have recovered successfully from prescription medications and never had any such problems. Even talking about their problems through cognitive behavior therapy has improved their mental condition to a far greater extent. However, it cannot be denied that people can also benefit from natural cures of depression. Mild cases of depression are occasionally treated with natural cures. In chronic cases, medical help and medications become unavoidable.
Every year the number of people falling into depression increases. Studies reveal that depression is becoming so common that in the future, it will be one of the main causes of disability, not only in America but worldwide.
The effects of depression can only be mitigated. There is no absolute remedy for depression. Dietary changes or herbal supplements can only mitigate the effects of depression. An effective therapy program suggested by your doctor will help you understand what self-talk is and how it can used to minimize depression naturally. A light, brisk walk around 20 to 25 minutes will help you fight depression, especially when the effect of depression is mild.
Regular exposure to sunlight can affect a person’s helplessness to depression. Avoid consumption of alcohol or caffeine, as they play a significant role in sudden mood swings and make it much more pronounced. In addition to all these natural cure therapies, there is a new tool that can fight effectively against some forms of depression. The tool is Omega 3 fatty acids, which significantly reduce the level of depression, especially among people in the industrialized countries.
Always be in touch with your doctor, who will help you in developing a whole-life approach to your depression. Never stop your medication because it can prove fatal. Any consumption of herbal or nutritional supplements should be taken in consultation with your doctor. Live life. Beat depression.
Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of Overcome
Depression Blog. Visit now to find out all you wanted to know about
depression and simple ways to overcome it.
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Monday, September 11, 2006
Depression in Children - Milos Pesic
The causes of depression are many. It cannot be restricted to a particular age group. Even among small children, the problem of depression can be quite persistent and usually interferes with the normal or regular course of behavior of the child.
Depression not only affects adults, it affects children as well. Children who suffer from depression can be treated using medications and counseling techniques. A child is considered depressed when feelings of depression are ongoing and interfere with the normal behavior of the child.
Children are quite sensitive, and the level or risk of depression is quite high among them, especially when they experience a sudden loss or cannot learn or pay attention to a particular thing. The problem of depression in children and teenagers is often hereditary and affects children whose family has a long history of the problem. If you see a continuous withdrawal from normal daily activities of the child or even signs of sadness, boredom, or low self-esteem, you must immediately consult a doctor, as these are the symptoms of depression. A child is not a good communicator. There are many things that your child might want to express but cannot. Sometimes they may even attempt suicide or other self-destructive behavior. So, if you notice any such marked difference in his or her behavior, you should immediately go for diagnoses and find the root cause of the problem.
Depression in children and teenagers must be treated as a disease and should be diagnosed as early as possible. It requires continuous medical attention, and counseling at medical and family levels is a must. Depression among children and teenagers is often treated with cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy. Selective serotonin uptake inhibitors like Prozac and Zoloft are often considered to be the most effective strategies in dealing with symptoms of depression prevalent among children and teenagers.
Depression at such a young age is not a good thing. One out of every five teen suffers from this problem of depression, and the reasons for this are quite unpredictable. Since teenage years are quite sensitive years, it is very necessary that parents keep an eye on their children rather than leaving them to live the life they want.
A sudden change in the mood, appetite, or weight in children and teenagers is one of the root causes of depression. Usually, they show a lack of interest from their normal course of activities. The sudden loss of a near or dear one can aggravate the problem of depression. The problem worsens when these young minds start blaming themselves for the existing conditions, and it is here where one should handle them with utmost care. They tend to withdraw themselves from the social world and stay in a world of their own, which is anything but normal.
Depression in children and teenagers can be life-threatening, and medical and professional help should be sought as quickly as possible. Treatment for depression at an early stage ensures speedy recovery; otherwise, the problem worsens with time. Help these young minds to get back to their life by showing them that you care.
Depression among teenage boys often results in aggressive behavior or some actions which are not acceptable to the society or to the law at large. Among girls, it is mainly self-destructive behavior and suicidal thoughts. It is obvious that parents naturally do get upset and sometimes even irritated by these activities of their children. But this only worsens the problem. The parents should know that there is help available and there is absolutely no harm in consulting a medical expert to treat this disease of depression.
Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of Overcome
Depression Blog. Visit now to find out all you wanted to know about
depression and simple ways to overcome it.
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
Signs of Postpartum Depression - Michael Russell
Postpartum depression is an often undiagnosed, but extremely serious illness that affects many women after giving birth. Part of the reason so many women do not seek help for postpartum depression is that it is completely normal for a woman to experience mood swings after having a baby. This is often called "baby blues" and usually goes away after about ten days. There is a slight amount of depression associated with baby blues. Postpartum depression is when this depression gets worse or lasts longer than ten days.
There is much confusion about what postpartum depression is. Some people believe that it is a mental problem, but postpartum depression is a disease that is treated by medications. It has a medical cause as well. While the cause of depression is not fully understood, we do know that has to do with the chemical balance in the brain.
The symptoms of postpartum depression include a lack of interest in every day life. A change in eating habits, which usually is the inability to eat, but sometimes can be overeating, will also accompany postpartum depression. A woman suffering from postpartum depression will have much less energy than normal. She will have trouble sleeping, or will sleep more than usual. She will cry easily and for no apparent reason. She will have overwhelming feelings of guilt, worthlessness, hopelessness and anxiety. Often, she will feel restless and also irritable.
Some of the more serious symptoms of postpartum depression are a desire to either harm herself or the baby. Women who suffer from serious bouts of postpartum depression are capable of committing suicide or hurting and even killing their children. Because this is so serious, it is important for people to watch a woman carefully after giving birth for any signs of postpartum depression. If the incident of depression occurs within six months of giving birth, it is classified as postpartum depression.
There are several indicators that a woman is more inclined to having postpartum depression. Women with a previous history of postpartum depression or other types of depression are more likely to get it. Also, women who have severe problems with premenstrual syndrome might be prone to postpartum depression. If the woman has a difficult marriage situation and feels that she has no one else to talk to, she is likely to suffer from postpartum depression. Finally, if the events surrounding the pregnancy and delivery of her child were extremely stressful, such as having a premature baby, she is more likely to suffer from postpartum depression.
Postpartum depression is treated like most other forms of depression. The patient will be put on a medication to control the seratonin in her brain and she will also be referred to counseling. Talking through problems often helps. It is important that the significant people in her life are willing to stand by her and support her until she feels better. It is also important for her to realize that once she starts to feel better, she can have down time from time to time.
One of the best things a woman can do to help herself recover from postpartum depression is to make sure and take some time for herself. She needs to spend time doing something she enjoys every day and taking a break from her baby, until she starts to feel more centered. It is also helpful to write down the emotions she is feeling. This will help her as she starts to get better. She needs to realize that it is perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed by all of the changes in her life. She needs not to put undue expectations on herself. No one is super mom and just being there for a baby is often all that is needed. She needs to take life one day at a time, get the help she needs and soon she will begin to see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.
Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to href="">Depression
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Saturday, September 09, 2006
Depression: The Most Effective Treatment - Michael Russell
When we read about effective treatments for a common psychological and medical condition like depression, we are always tempted to expect reviews and discussions of different prescription medications. Antidepressants and other depression related drugs are currently among the most prescribed drugs. This implies that despite the increasing affluence, comfort and better living standards seen today in the developed world, many people are still not happy with their lives. Moreover, considering the fact that the increasing reliance on medication and other medical procedures have not reduced the prevalence of chronic depression in the population; it is safe to assert that there are better and more effective ways of treating depression. This article intends to look at one of such effective treatment for depression.
For a better appreciation of the depression treatment that will be discussed in this article, it is important to look at the causes of depression in most people. Most people erroneously believe that depression is mainly caused by a fault with the nervous system, a traumatic or sad event that happens in one's life. Though some cases of depression result from chemical imbalances in the body or problems with the nervous and coordination system of the body; in most cases, this belief is not correct.
It is extraordinary to note that depression, in most people, is as a result of conflict between the conscious and unconscious mind. The past events and experiences of our lives, which are presumed forgotten, are usually stored in the unconscious mind. When memories from this part of the mind begin to take over an individual's consciousness, it creates a kind of fog over the mind, causing the confusion and anxiety that characterizes depression. Psychologists have come to realize that the unconscious mind have a great impact on an individual's quality of life. This is one of the reasons why depression is a very difficult condition to diagnose. It does not present with physical signs or symptoms because the condition does not affect the physical body.
From the above, it is only reasonable to suggest that the best and most effective treatment for depression should begin with the mind. Within every person suffering from depression, is the ability and resources effectively to treat the condition. Unfortunately, the medical and pharmaceutical have taught us otherwise.
For a start, creating a positive attitude is the most effective prevention and treatment for depression. A sense of humor, optimism and a positive attitude can break through the worst cases of depression. Humor releases substances into the blood that relax the body and mind. Whereas a positive and optimistic attitude creates a clear mind devoid of unnecessary worries and anxieties. This makes it easy to differentiate between the present and what is being imported from the past.
It is also important to take note of every thought that crosses the mind. This requires a bit of mental and conscious effort, especially at the outset. However, it will be worth the stress. Taking stock of every thought that comes to mind enables you to thrash out necessary mental assignments and discard irrelevant thoughts instead of allowing them to clog the mind, causing anxiety, unnecessary worry and then depression.
Of course, there are cases of depression that results from chemical or hormonal imbalance in the body; there are also cases of chronic depression that no amount of positive attitude can cure. Notwithstanding that, the mind is still the most effective treatment for depression. Creating a positive and optimistic attitude, learning to free the mind of unnecessary and irrelevant thoughts, living for the moment, without worrying about today or yesterday, regular exercise and a healthy diet constitute the most effective depression treatment you can find anywhere.
Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to href="">Depression
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Friday, September 08, 2006
Treatments for Depression and Learning Disabilities - Greg Culver
Most of the people are unaware about the depression and learning disabilities but these diseases are very common. Children who suffer from learning disabilities suffer with common pressures of everyday living. They either cannot speak fluently or are unable to take stress or are not competent enough to take care of their health and bodies.
Most of such patients that suffer from depression and learning disabilities come in the category of retarded people. Depression is termed as a form of retard ness because patients suffer from chemical imbalances, insufficient nutrition’s, emotional scaring, childhood traumas and many more such factors. Positive influences, miscommunications and lack of education are the root causes for learning disabilities.
More than enough caring the patients suffering with problems like depression and learning disabilities also adds to the problem. You immediately contact a professional for help if you find anyone around you who is suffering from symptoms of depression and learning disabilities. The symptoms of such people are unhappiness, feelings of despair, suicidal tendencies, lack of enthusiasms while playing and negative thinking.
The diseases such as depression should be taken proper care of without any carelessness as it may prove fatal. Some people who suffer from depression or learning disabilities consume drugs or alcohol to sooth themselves but it only adds up to the problem.
It’s not only so that patients of depression and learning disabilities are danger for themselves as in some cases their lack of interest, behaviors and fatigue could result in criminal prosecution. Such patients need support to cope with stress they have in their minds due to several factors such as debts, deaths in the family etc.
Recent studies have shown that the use of Prozac, for the treatment of such patients have side affects. These side affects may create more problems instead of removing them. What I believe is that such patients need support and someone to take care of them. A little attention to such people can be of great help to them. Most of the patients of depression and learning disabilities search for answers of their questions regarding their problems but no one help them. You must never tell the patients of such problems that their emotions are unreal as it would enhance the problem. You must recognize the problem and try to eradicate it.
A labeled person is even more depressed as people look at him with a different eye. If you are suffering from depression or any such disability then the best way is to accept your disability as a recognized problem is half solved problem. But there are patients that disagree to accept that the problem exists, in such cases it is the duty of the professionals to help them. Deal with each and every symptoms one by one, eradicating all problems. Problem arises when professionals try to cure the patient with medicine and effective therapy to experiment which works faster.
Patients who are diagnosed as the sufferers of schizophrenia, antipsychotic, and other related diagnosis are usually prescribed Ziprasidone, but this medicine has side-effects such as glucose or sugar level is affected, blood pressure levels, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, promotes involuntary movement disorder etc. Most of the risks involved are connected to the central nervous system that may prove fatal for treatment of such patients as their nervous system is not to be hindered in any case to avoid further problems. is a Health and Medicine site dedicated to providing quality articles and information. Click through for more articles.
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Thursday, September 07, 2006
Fighting Child Depression Naturally - Pam Brown
Unfortunately, the symptoms of depression in kids may not be too evident therefore, as a parent, is important to be vigilant and watch for symptoms such as social withdrawal, irritability, apathy, sleep and eating problems, lack of interest in activities that were enjoyed in the past, chronic fatigue and deterioration in schoolwork, which can be an indication of sadness and depression in children.
Childhood depression can be caused by a number of things... There are plenty of conditions in which the mentality of a child is just not ready to deal with; this makes them more vulnerable for depression than adults that undergo the same level of stresses.
Causes of Depression in Children
** Stress. Believe it or not, stress is one of the largest problems. Children have not learned how to handle stress and it is likely that they will not be able to unless they are given the necessary help. Too much to do at school, home, extra curriculum courses and a part time job can all lead to depression.
** Family conflict. Children do not blame others for their family’s problems; they turn the blame onto themselves. If mom and dad are fighting it must be because of something he did. This type of worry can turn into depression quickly.
** Learning problems and emotional strain are two more things that can lead a child down the road to serious depression.
** Parents that are depressed. Those children that only see and witness depression are going to use that as their means as well of dealing with life. In fact, it can be a learned behaviour in some cases.
How to Treat it?
Now that you know the possible causes of children and adolescent depression, take a look at a few things that can be done.
In many occasions and depending on the severity of the case, doctors will resort to only treating teens and younger children with psychological therapy. Also, there are medications that can be given to a child for depression, like Prozac, but there are risks associated with taking this type of medication. Warnings have been issued about suicide potential during treatment with this prescription drug.
On the other hand, fortunately there are some natural remedies for child depression. One of the most common and beneficial methods for treating depression naturally is through the use of an herb called St. John’s Wort.
The British Medical Journal has found that the use of this herb to fight off depression has been just as beneficial to some as that of anti depressant medication. St. John’s Wort is one of the natural remedies that can help fight depression.
There is another safe and effective herb that can help a child recover from depression. To learn more about this visit: natural remedies for child depression.
Pam Brown is an editor at To learn about natural treatments for depression in children visit: natural remedies for child depression
For information on natural health remedies, and to obtain a FREE guide to Healing Foods and Herbs visit:
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